What is Small Planet Studio?
At breakfast a few days ago, my husband and I started chatting with another couple who were staying at the same Sarajevo B & B. They asked me what I do for a living, and I mentioned my teaching, consulting, and SPS. I got the most questions about SPS, specifically how and why I help people through re-entry.
It got me thinking…what is SPS, exactly?
When you’re back from abroad it’s easy to feel adrift. SPS is your anchor. We keep you from floating off course and crashing into those rugged re-entry cliffs of boredom, confusion, anger, and loneliness.
SPS is your anchor.
Photo: an old anchor I found in Dubrovnik, Croatia
While your anchor is dropped, SPS helps you figure out where you want to go next. Then we help you create a map to get there. We help you figure out what supplies you need, we help you patch up any holes in your boat, and we help you connect with people who can support you along the way.
When you’re ready, you pull up your anchor and sail off to your next global adventure. When that journey comes to an end, you sail back to SPS, drop your anchor, rest, refuel, and then relaunch yourself into you next global adventure.
So, SPS is your anchor when you feel adrift in re-entry.