Vote for your favorite Re-Entry Reality Cover

Next Tuesday, April 2 is Re-Entry Reality launch day!

But before then I need some help.

Which cover is right for the workbook?

Take a look at the 3 covers and then cast your vote below!

Cover #1

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Cover #2

Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 7.29.25 PM

Cover #3

Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 7.29.34 PM


Which cover is your favorite? free polls 


Thank you to everyone who has reserved a pre-launch copy of Re-Entry Reality: Your Guide to Re-Launching Yourself After Being Abroad! Because of you we’re raising funds to help send a student abroad. That’s so awesome!

If you haven’t had a chance to reserve your copy of Re-Entry Reality, no worries. Just click here. You’ll get the Re-Entry Reality workbook and support group membership PLUS your entire purchase will be donated to a student exchange organization to help a high school student study abroad!