SPS is on Vacation

Wouldn’t you love to be on this island? Me too! But that’s not where I am. I’m out in Oregon for the World Domination Summit, relaxing in the mountains, and visiting friends and family.
I’m going to be offline as much as possible (except for some photos I’ll post here and there on Facebook) but I’ve got some GREAT stuff for you coming up so be sure to check back. (A great way to make sure you don’t miss anything is by signing up for updates – see below.)
I’ve got some new posts planned for July, and in August I’ll start up again with daily tips and monthly topics. August is going to be all about travel.
In the meantime, here are some things you may have missed:
Re-Entry Reality interview with Pam Slim {video}
What does it mean to be an interculturalist these days? {webinar replay}
Travel 20 years ago vs. today {article}
My #WDS 2011 experience {article}
The great Italian pizza fiasco of 1994 {article}
Re-Entry Reality interview series
What are you up to this month?