Finding Your Global Career Path

CareerPath290This is often how it happens. You go abroad. You love it. You want that to be the rest of your life. You want a global career.

That’s how it happened to me, anyway!

But what does global career really mean? The good news: lots of things!

There are so many opportunities these days, and it’s never too late to find your global career path. It may take some effort, searching, and maybe even a few false starts, but that’s ok.

It’s a global career path, not a global career destination. [click to tweet this]

To support you in finding your ideal global career path, I’ve got lots of tips, articles, videos, and events planned for you this month! (Like our Finding your global career path webinar on June 25!)

3 ways to stay in the loop:

1. Get daily reflection questions and tips to help you find your ideal global career path on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

2. Get in-depth global career tips via The Post, the newsletter that delivers tips and strategies for re-launching yourself after living, working, studying or traveling abroad. Enter your details below.


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What questions do you have about finding your global career path?